Manage Filters

  1. Click the Filters button displayed on the right side of the grid pane.
  2. The ‘Manage Filters’ and ‘Create New Filter’ buttons are displayed.
  3. Click the Manage Filters button to open a Filters popup window. By default, the All button is selected.
  4. Click the Add button displayed below the All tab.

  5. This opens the Title, Add Filter, and Add Group tabs. Click the Add Filter button displayed in the right corner. A drop-down menu is displayed on the left side of the popup window.

  6. Select a filter from the available list. This displays another two dropdown menus on the popup window.

    Note: The other two dropdown menu options change as per the option selected in the first dropdown menu. Refer to the screenshots below.

  7. Click the Save button displayed in the top right corner of the popup window. This enables the two buttons to be displayed at the bottom of the popup window.

  8. Click the Select or Select And Save buttons to apply the filters on the Countries.