Add Additional IRB/ECs

Although clinical trial organizations today adhere to protocols from a central IRB/EC, at times, it might be required to adhere to protocols of more than one IRB/EC. For example, an organization may have one central IRB/EC and one or more local IRB/ECs.

In the Site profile, you will be able to specify only one IRB/EC of any type. In case you need to provide additional IRB/ECs, proceed with the steps below:

  1. From the Grid Pane, double-click the site for which additional IRB/ECs need to be specified and select the IRB/EC tab from the left pane.
  2. The top menu bar displays two options – Add Existing and Create.
  3. If clicked ‘Add Existing’ – an Add Existing IRB/EC popup window opens. Select the required checkbox(s) and click the Add IRB/EC button displayed at the bottom of the popup window.
  4. Click on the Add (number) IRB/EC button.

  5. If clicked ‘Create’ – a Create IRB/EC window opens. Enter the details in all the fields marked with an asterisk and the other details if required. The fields marked with an asterisk in their respective sections
    1. IRB/EC Name
    2. IRB/EC Type
    3. Address
    4. City
    5. State
    6. Country
  6. Click the Create IRB/EC button displayed at the bottom of the popup window.
  7. If the user wants to create another IRB/EC at the same time, click Save and Create Another button.