This section provides guidance on performing document, user, and room searches within the application.
Trial interactive now supports a cross-room, full-text indexed, segmented, and filtered search capability, with support for all record types and facets, including document types and metadata fields.
This new search interface has the following powerful capabilities:
- Record-type search based on topic and record type, allowing for searching of documents, users, queries, and other segments.
- Filters based on any document metadata, implemented as facets to allow simplified fast filtering of search results.
- A new full-text index based on automatic text extraction and OCR.
- Support for full metadata searching within a room and across multiple rooms.
- Integrated selection of saved and recent searches, with rapid re-searching.
- Continued support of the custom grid view for search results with integrated exports, compare, document cart, and other actions.
- Continued support of instant document review with metadata panel from the search screen.
- Actionable result set based on record type, with easy navigation to the document.
- Continued support of flexible search terms and wildcards.