Setting up Required Documents for Countries

For the user to upload collected essential documents for countries, the document types for the same need to be set up by the administrator. The procedure to add the Required Documents is mentioned below:

  1. From the Settings section, click the arrow next to the Required Documents option in the left panel.
  2. Click the sub-option Required Documents from the collapsed options to reveal the Required Documents window on the right.
  3. Click the Country Specific tab from the top menu options of the window. Refer to the screenshot below:

  4. Select the checkbox next to the country for which you want to specify the Required Documents. This activates the Documents Types panel to allow you to add the required documents.
  5. Click Add from the menu bar on top of the Document Types window.
  6. This will open the Required Documents window, offering you two choices – Study and Investigative Sites -

    Choose Investigative Sites if -You wish to submit investigative site documents specific to countries.

    Choose Study if- You wish to submit government-approval documents of the country.

  7. Select documents as required from the collapsible tree structure listing the documents.
  8. Select the Site Activation checkbox. Note: Select the contacts who will submit the documents from the ‘To Be Submitted By’ dropdown if you choose the ‘Investigative Site. Option from the above.
  9. Click Save & Close.
  10. Refer to the screenshot below: