Importing Sites and Site Contacts

This feature is beneficial if you want to create many sites at once. This is done by entering the site details in an Excel worksheet and uploading them during the import process.

  1. Click the Import Site List button from the Add dropdown menu.

  2. Click the See the sample worksheet template in the Investigative Sites Import popup window.

  3. The worksheet consists of three sheets – Investigative Sites, Contacts, and User Instructions. You can download the worksheet, fill it with the site metadata, and upload it. Once the worksheet is uploaded, the system will map the metadata of sites and their contacts and create the sites. The sites thus created appear in the grid for you to view.

Note: Read the User Instructions tab carefully before uploading the worksheet.

Note:For sites to be imported, the following rules should be adhered to:

  1. The Investigative Sites sheet cannot be left blank.
  2. While importing sites, it is compulsory to specify the Principal Investigator, without which sites will not be imported.
  3. Start-up specialists and CRA cannot be imported. You will need to add these later and can use Mass Coding for the same
  4. Sites with the same names cannot be imported.
  5. Fields such as First Name and Last Name in the Contacts sheet cannot be left blank, as the system will verify the email ID of the user with the user’s credentials from the database. If they do not match, an error will be thrown.
  6. Main contact/s should be specified as they are the ones to receive the email when the regulatory packets are sent.
  7. If you want a contact to be an Active Contact, Main Contact, or Provide Documents, enter numerical ‘1’ in the Contacts sheet for the fields. The system will automatically map the data and set the actions allowed for the user. On editing the contact from the site profile, you will find the checkboxes for these actions ticked (find more on this in the next section).
  8. If the ‘Active Contact’ field is left blank, the contact will be deactivated by the system. You may choose to activate the contact later if required.
  9. If a site and its contacts are already imported, then more contacts can be added to the site only manually or through the API.
  10. Data that was not imported can be mass-coded for multiple sites later (follow on to Mass Coding of Sites for further details).

Below is an example of the worksheet as guidelines for the import process:

Follow the procedure below to import the investigative sites:

  1. Click the Import Site List button from the Add dropdown menu. The Investigative Sites Import window opens with Step 1 to perform.
  2. Upload the .xlsx file containing data of sites and contacts by clicking the Select button.
    • The Excel document should contain two separate worksheets – Worksheet One with the list of institution names and addresses and Worksheet Two with the list of contacts, including the Principal Investigator.
  3. Click the Next button displayed at the bottom of the window.

    In the Setup metadata fields mapping – step -2, two columns are displayed – Spreadsheet Column and Metadata field. Both columns are pre-defined with different data. From the metadata field column, click the cross icon to ignore the specific field in the Sites to import. The fields selected with cross display as ‘Ignored’ in the metadata field. Select the Date Format from the dropdown menu. Click the Next button. Refer to the screenshot below.

  4. Follow the procedure of the above step 4 for setting up the metadata fields for importing the contacts. Click the Next button.

  5. Review and confirm the filled details in the Confirm site metadata fields mapping – step 4 window. Click the Next button. (Optional) Click the Previous button to edit the details.

  6. Review and confirm the filled details in the Confirm Contact metadata fields mapping – step 5 window. Click the Next button. (Optional) Click the Previous button to edit the details.
  7. An ‘Information’ popup window is displayed. Click the OK button.

  8. Click the Complete button in the Review import progress and results – step 6 window.