Add Agency Submission
As mentioned above, the user can add an agency submission for a country. Follow the steps below for the same.
- Click the Agency Submission option on the Country Details page. This opens the Agency submission Page.
- Click the Add button displayed in the left corner of the top menu bar. This opens the Create Package popup window.
- In the General Information tab, enter the details for the fields marked with an asterisk - Package Name, Agency, and Country.
- Click the Next button at the bottom
of the popup window.
- This opens the Add Countries tab, click on the +Add button to add a country.
- Click on the Next button once the required countries within the
package have been added.
- This opens the Select Documents tab of the Create Package popup window. Select an appropriate option – Browse Files OR Search Documents
- Click on the Browse Files option, select a document from the
system, and click on Open.
- Once the document is uploaded, select the document and click on the Edit Doc Name and Delete button to perform the relevant actions.
- Click on the Create button to successfully create a package.
- Click on the Search button to retrieve documents based on the
search criteria
- If the Search option is selected, it opens the Search popup window.
- Enter a name in the Search field, and click on the Search
button on your keyboard. Below the search field are three tabs
- Metadata and Document,
- Document Content Only
- Metadata Only.
Note: By default, the system has pre-selected the Metadata and Document tab. Select any of the other two tabs if you want only the document content or only the metadata.
- Select the checkbox(s) of the documents.
- Click either of the buttons displayed at the bottom of the window – Add Documents & Continue or Add Documents & Close.