Tracking Quality Control Queries

Users with Administrator access in a trial room can check the status of Quality Query Queries.

  1. Navigate to the Documents module.(add image)
  2. Click the Choose View button and select By Sender or By Recipient view from the list. The Index panel populates with folders that contain the Quality Control Queries at their various stages of progress.

    Select a specific folder and the contents of the folder populates the document grid.

  3. Select a specific query from the grid and open the Right panel. The history of the selected query is available by clicking the Query panel. The stages of the query history populate the metadata panel.
  4. Click the arrows to the left of stage description to see the details of each query stage.

    If the user decides it is appropriate to create a new document in order to resolve the query, the user is required to complete the document profile, including uploading a new attached document.