Reassigning Documents to a Different Stage in the Quality Review

Note: Documents with Final status cannot be re-assigned to workflow stages. They will not be shown on the view.

Documents can be reassigned by Administrators and Editors with Document Manager action to a previous stage in a workflow from the Non-Final Documents By Stage view in the eTMF/Documents module. Refer to the screenshot below:

To Change Stage of documents in bulk or individually:

  1. Select the Workflow Stage of the document above the current stage.
  2. Select the documents in the stage from the Documents Grid.
  3. Select the Change Stage option from the Moredropdown from the Right Panel as shown in the screenshot below:

  4. The Change Stage window opens.
  5. Select the Stage and click OK. Only stages below the current stage will be available for selection.

  6. The change stage operation for bulk documents is performed in a background process and the user is notified about the same in the Notifications panel once the job is completed.
  7. Once the stage is changed, the documents move to the folder for unclaimed documents of the selected stage.