CRA Reconciliation

This section helps you find the details about the CRA Reconciliation Reports that allows CRA to take decisions regarding further site visits.

Trial Interactive 10.0 helps the CRA to reconcile documents during their site visits through the Site Report.

You can reach this page from Main Navigation → CRA Reconciliation. Refer to the screenshot below:
The module has the following sections:
  1. Documents: This module allows the CRA to mark the documents as verified, missing in eTMF, missing in ISF, or add the placeholder for an expected document as a part of the reconciliation process.
  2. Reports: This module allows the CRA to create CRA Report which will include all the documents reviewed by the CRA since the last report created by him/her.

    Each of the above modules is discussed in separate topics and can be accessed from the left pane of this help.