Potential Sites and IRB Integration

This allows you to locate the Unique Sites using the combination of Study Name and Principal Investigator.

During IRB Integration sites are imported into Trial Interactive. The system uses a combination of the study name and the Principal Investigator Last Name to locate unique sites. If more than one site is found, it uses the Zip code of the site to uniquely identify an investigative site. When the investigative site is found, the site along with its IRB details and documents are imported into Trial Interactive.

Note: If the system finds matching conditions like the site, IRB number and IRB document type in the Study Start-up Site Profile, the documents for the imported site will be uploaded into the Study Start-Up for the site, else the system will upload the documents to the eTMF module, the details of which are discussed below.
This section includes the following sections:
  1. IRB Integration and Settings
  2. Potential Sites and Modules