Exporting Documents

Exporting documents is the same as downloading documents from the Documents Cart.

You can track an export, exclude previously exported documents, or include metadata during export. Here too, you can select the logical or alphabetical order of the metadata fields for export, if you choose to include metadata to be exported with the documents.

The documents or selected documents get exported in a .zip file. The .zip will include the following:

  1. A folder with the exported documents in it.
  2. An excel worksheet with the metadata, if you happen to export metadata.
  3. A .log file which opens in Notepad to give the list of previously exported documents that were excluded during export. Here again, you have to select the option to exclude previously exported documents to enable this.
  4. An ErrorsLog.xml file that includes details of documents that fail to export.

To view the exported file, navigate to the Notifications.