Documents to Audit

You can add audits and documents to the current audit profile from the various radio button options available as shown in the screenshot below:

Documents will be added to the pool on demand basis

If selected, documents will not be added to the audit pool automatically. Instead, the user have to add documents manually to the audit pool from the Documents Cart.

Selected Audits

If selected, documents passed in the selected audit profiles will be added to the current audit profile.

Follow the steps below to add audits to the current audit profile:
  1. Click Select. The Select Audit window opens.
  2. Select audits from the list of audits and click Next at the bottom of the window. Refer to the screenshot below:

  3. Select auditors from the selected audit profiles and click Finish at the bottom of the window.

  4. The number of audits and auditors selected appears in the Selected audit text box. Hold the mouse over the help icon to reveal the details of the audits and auditors selected.

  5. Clicking the multi-selector (textbox) opens the complete view of the audits and auditors selected. Refer to the screenshot below:

All documents

If selected, the documents of all document types will be added to the audit pool for audit.

Selected Documets - Selected document types

If selected, documents for audit will be selected from the chosen document types.

  1. Click Select . The Select Document Types window opens.
  2. Click the arrow next to the document type to navigate to the sub-types and select the checkbox next to the required document type.
  3. Click Select at the bottom of the window. Refer to the screenshot below:

  4. Besides, you can also click the textbox and select the document types from the dropdown that appears. Refer to the screenshot below:

Selected Documents - Selected Investigative Sites

If selected, documents for audit will be selected from the chosen investigative sites.
  1. Click Select . The Select Investigative Sites window opens.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the required investigative sites. The selected sites get highlighted.
  3. Click Select at the bottom of the window. Refer to the screenshot below:

  4. Besides, you can also click the textbox and select the investigative sites from the dropdown that appears. Refer to the screenshot below:

Selected Documents - Select Folders

If selected, documents for audit will be selected from the chosen folders.

  1. Click Select . The Select Investigative Sites window opens.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the required investigative sites. The selected sites get highlighted.
  3. Click Select. Refer to the screenshot below: