Required Documents

  1. From the left section of the panel, you can select the category (Sites, Country, IRB/EC, and General) of the Required Documents. By default, the All Sites category is chosen.
  2. From the right section of the panel, named as Document Types, you can:
    1. Add or Delete a Required Document to the category selected from the left pane.
    2. Assign Milestones to selected Required Document Types.
    3. View the activity log of the selected category from the Change Log
    4. Once a Required Document is added, it appears in the Document Types Grid.

      Each View Option in the Required Documents is discussed as below:

      All Sites


      IRB/EC Specific


Assigning Milestones to Required Documents

To assign a milestone to a Required Document, follow the steps as below:
  1. Select the category from the left pane.
  2. Except for All Sites and General categories, select the Country or IRB/EC from the left pane.
  3. Select the Required Documents from the right pane.
  4. Click the Assign Milestone from the top ribbon bar.
  5. The Assign Milestone window opens. Choose the milestones from the dropdown list. Refer to the screenshot below:

  6. Choose the milestones from the dropdown list
  7. Click the Assign Milestone button from the popup window.
  8. Notice that the Required Documents to which you assigned milestones are now flagged with the Milestone icon. Refer to the screenshot below: