Inbox Settings

From this page, Admin can enable the Inbox feature.
  1. Navigate to Main Navigation->Settings->Inbox. Refer to the screenshot below:


  1. Admin can Enable Inbox Feature by ticking the checkbox to make it possible for room participants to send trial documents directly to the room’s inbox.
    Note: The Administrator has the ability to disable the inbox feature or to allow non-participants in the room to send documents to the room’s inbox.
  2. Ticking the checkbox of Convert Email Body option will automatically convert the emails that enter the Inbox into PDFs.
  3. Choose Unpack Zip-Archives to extract files from an attached zip folder.
  4. To prevent duplicate publishing of email converted documents to the room, activate the Check duplicates by the hash value.

Start-Up Inbox

  1. Admin can Enable Start-Up Inbox by ticking the checkbox, and the user can send the documents to the Start-Up Inbox.
  2. Ticking the checkbox of Convert Email Body option will automatically convert the emails that enter the Inbox into PDFs.
  3. Choose Unpack Zip-Archives to extract files from an attached zip folder.
  4. To prevent duplicate publishing of email converted documents to the room, activate the Check duplicates by the hash value.

Communication Inbox

  1. To enable the Communications Inbox, tick the checkbox next to it. These emails can be located in the Inbox from the Communications Module.
  2. If you choose to file email converted documents to the eTMF as Final, tick the checkbox Documents as Final next to it.
  3. Enable the Merge Attachment option to merge attachment into one document.

Besides the above options, you can also enable the following options for the Inbox:

  1. Accept email from room participants only: This option, when enabled, only the room participant can send the documents.
  2. Accept email from ANY non-participant: This option, when enabled, allows a user outside the room to send documents via emails.
  3. Accept email from non-participants with these specific email domains: This option, when enabled, a user can send the documents via emails with the domains defined in the Email Domains text box below the options. Refer to the screenshot above.