Creating a Site Visit Checklist

To create a Site Visit Checklist, follow the steps below

  1. Navigate to the side menu bar and select Settings > Site Visit Checklist Templates.

    Figure: Site Visit Checklist Templates
  2. Press the +Create Template button at the top of the grid area.

    If users are creating a new template as a copy of an existing template, first, select the existing template and then press the Copy button.

    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

    Figure: Create Template
  3. The ‘Create Site Visit Checklist Template’ window is displayed

    Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

    Figure: Create Site Visit Checklist template
  4. Give the site visit checklist template a name and, if desired, a description.

    Note: We recommend providing a description whenever possible, especially when you may have multiple similar checklist templates. The description can assist you in applying the correct checklist when needed.

  5. Press Create and the window will close and the checklist template will appear in the list.

    Note: The checklist will be in Draft status initially because we still need to add questions to the checklist before publishing it for use.

  6. Select the new checklist from the list.
  7. Click Edit from the menu bar at the top of the grid.

    Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

    Figure: Edit Template
  8. The checklist profile will load.

    Note: This can also be done by clicking on the name of the checklist in the grid.

    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

    Figure: Checklist Profile
  9. Using the toggle switch, indicate if the sections and questions in the checklist should be ordered and, if so, whether the ordering should be alphabetical or numerical.
  10. Press +Add Section and a new section box will appear.

    Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

    Figure:New Section
  11. Give the section a title and, if desired, a description.
  12. Press the +Add Question button in the new section.

    Graphical user interface, application, Teams Description automatically generated

    Figure: Add Question
  13. Type in the question and select the type of question from the dropdown menu.

    Note: The selection that you make in ‘Type of Question’ will determine what other elements need to be selected/completed.

  14. When the question is ready, press the Save button in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  15. Continue adding sections and questions until the checklist is complete.
  16. Press Save.