Access Permissions

The Access Permissions feature helps the user add, edit, activate, and remove access permissions for other users.

Follow the steps below to view the access permissions and make the required changes.

  1. From the left-hand navigation screens, click on Studies.
  2. Select a Study by clicking on the study name to manage its access permissions.

    Figure: Select a Study and a study name
  3. On the Study Dashboard, navigate to the left-hand navigation links and select Team.
  4. Click the Access Permissions button displayed in the top left corner of the screen.

    Figure Access Permissions
  5. Select the name of the user by clicking on the checkbox and the following top menu bar options become accessible.
    1. Add:
      1. Click on the +Add button to open the Add User Study Access Permission, specify the mandatory details, and click on Save.

        Figure: Add User
    2. Edit:
      1. Click on the user name checkbox and click on Edit Permissions
      2. On the Edit Study Permissions, the Simple Permissions screen is displayed by default.
      3. Specify the Access Permission, and End Date and click on Save.

        Figure: Edit Study Permissions-Simple
      4. Click on the Advanced option and select either Show All or Show Assigned Permissions by clicking on the radio button.
      5. Select Role from the dropdown menu and click on the checkbox. Click on the Apply to the selected button.
      6. Select End Date by accessing the calendar icon.

        Figure: Edit Study Permissions-Advanced
    3. Activate:
      1. Select a user with Pending status by clicking on the checkbox.
      2. Click the Activity toggle button.
      3. Click on Activate on the confirmation popup.

        Figure: Activate users
    4. Remove
      1. Select a user by clicking on the checkbox.
      2. Click on the Remove icon from the top menu bar
      3. Click on the Remove button on the confirmation popup.

        Figure: Remove the user
    5. Set as Owner
      1. Select a user by clicking on the checkbox.
      2. Click on the Set as Owner from the top menu bar
      3. Click on the Change button on the confirmation popup.

        Figure: Set as Owner
    6. History
      1. Select a user by clicking on the checkbox.
      2. Click on the History from the top menu bar
      3. On the History screen, click on Export to retrieve the historical details of the user.

        Figure: History
    7. Export
      1. Click on Export to retrieve an export of Access Permission details.

Refer to Exporting Contacts section for detailed process.

Figure: Export user details