Site Visit Navigation

To navigate to the site visit, follow the steps below

  1. From the left-hand navigation links, click on Studies.
  2. Click on the study’s name to select that particular study.

    Figure: Select a Study and a study name
  3. On the Study Dashboard, navigate to the left-hand navigation links and click on Sites.

    Figure: Select Sites from the Study Dashboard
  4. On the Sites screen, navigate to the site records section and select a site by clicking on the site name.

    Figure: Select site
  5. On the selected site window, navigate to the left-hand navigation links and select Site Visits.

    Figure: Select Site Visits
  6. On the Site Visits screen, select the visit to review by clicking on the visit name.

    Figure: Select a visit
  7. On the Site Visit General Information window, review the visit details, make the required changes if any, and click on the following buttons.
    1. Add Activity: Refer to the Creating Domain Library Activity Records section to add an activity.
    2. Discard Changes: Click on Discard Changes to remove any changes made.
    3. Save: Click on the Save button to save the changes made
    4. Click on the Save and Next button to save the changes on the current activity and move on to the other activity.
    5. Next Step: Clicking on Next Step will display a confirmation popup and clicking on Yes will display further details regarding the site visit.

Figure: Updating site visit information