Auto Document Type Prediction Keyword(s)

Out of the hundreds of potential document types that might be present in a study, many of those document types might be auto predicted. For example, Curriculum Vitae, the 1572 form, a financial disclosure form – practically any required regulatory pack document or any document for which a sponsor has a template to send to investigators. A Super Administrator user needs to activate this option in the room. When this feature is activated, and a document is uploaded, it goes into a queue. The system searches the first page of each document for the keywords entered for all of the document types for which keyword identifiers have been entered.
  1. Open the Profile for the document type for which you want to add the Prediction Keywords in the Document Types Management settings.
  2. Type Keywords into the field, one keyword per line.

  3. When all of the appropriate keywords have been entered, click Save at the bottom of the Profile panel.