Site Visit Types
With this, the user can apply the Domain Settings to study by - adding a site visit type and creating a new site visit type. Follow the steps below to apply domain settings to the study.
- Click on the Studies link in the Navigation
menu at the left side of the screen.
a. This opens the “Studies” window and the study list is displayed.
- Click on the name of the study to which you want to add partner
a. The dashboard for the study is displayed.
- Click on the Study Details in the Navigation
menu at the left side of the screen.
a. The “Study Details” window is displayed.
- Click on the Settings button displayed in the top right corner.
- This opens the ‘Study Settings – General’ window.
- Click the Site Visit Types option in the navigation menu at the left side of the screen.
- This opens the ‘Study Settings – Site Visit Types’ window.
- Click the Add Site Visit Type(s) button.
- This opens the ‘Add Domain-level Site Visit Type(s) to Study window.
- Select a checkbox(s) before the value column and click
Add button.
- A notification of Success is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- The dynamic added field is displayed in the center of the
screen and ‘Study Specific Settings are Applied’ is
displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
- Notice that the ‘Create New button’ is disappeared and is now displayed below the ‘+ Add’ dropdown menu.
- Click the Create New option from the +Add
Dropdown menu.
a. This opens the ‘Create Site Visit Type’ window.
- Enter a name in the Value field as indicated by an asterisk (*).
- Notice that the Label field displays the same name mentioned in the value field.
- (Optional) Select the toggle button of Unblinded Site Visit Type.
- (Optional) Select the Checklist Template from the dropdown menu. The user can select 1 or all templates from the dropdown menu.
- Click Create.
- The newly added site visit type is displayed in the grid.
- The user has the ability to Add, Edit, Activate and Delete the Site Visit Types.
- Click on the checkbox of the site to enable the – Edit,
Deactivate (toggle button) and Delete the site visit type.
- Perform the required action.