
Follow the steps below to apply study-specific settings for – Milestones, Sites, Studies, Countries, Subjects, Subject Visits, and Team Members.

  1. Click on the Studies link in the Navigation menu at the left side of the screen.
  1. This opens the “Studies” window and the study list is displayed.
  1. Click on the name of the study to which you want to add partner information.
  1. The dashboard for the study is displayed.
  1. Click on the Study Details in the Navigation menu at the left side of the screen.
  1. The “Study Details” window is displayed.
  1. Click on the Settings button displayed in the top right corner.
  1. This opens the ‘Study Settings – General’ window.

  1. The left side navigation menu displays new added fields – Fields, Site Visit Types and Subjects.

  2. Click the Fields link.
  1. This opens the ‘Study Settings – Fields’ window.
  1. Click on the Milestones link from the center of the window.
  1. This opens the Study Settings – Fields – Milestones window.
  2. Click the Add button displayed in the center of the page to apply domain settings to the study.

    a. This opens the Add Domain-level Custom Fields to Study window.

  3. Select the checkbox(s) before the Name field and click Add button.

  4. A notification of Success is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

  5. The dynamic added field is displayed with the status in the center of the screen and ‘Study Specific Settings are Applied’ is displayed in the top right corner of the screen.

  6. Select the checkbox of the added dynamic field.
  7. This enables the Remove button. Click the Remove button to delete the dynamic field.

Note: Likewise, the user can apply Domain Settings applied to Study for Sites, Studies, Countries, Subjects, Subject Visits, and Team members. Follow the above steps to add dynamic fields.