Integrated Payments View

TI CTMS has the ability for a user to review high-level payment details when an integration has been established between TI CTMS and an external payments system. The integration is view-only in the CTMS and any modifications still need to be made within the originating payment system.

Having access to high-level summary payment details allows users to provide timely responses to customers and sites regarding payments without additional navigation to payment-related systems. Users requiring additional payment-related details and reports can utilize the payment system link within TI CTMS to quickly navigate to the payment system and perform all payment-related tasks. Follow the steps below to view the payments related information.

  1. Click on the Studies link in the Navigation menu at the left side of the screen.
  2. Navigate to the study you want to access.
  3. Click on Sites in the Navigation menu at the left side of the screen.

    a. This opens the “Study Site” window and study site list is displayed.

  4. Click on the name of the site you want to view the payments.

    a. This opens the dashboard window for the site.

  5. Click the Payments link displayed in the left side of the screen.

    a. This opens the Payments window in the center of the screen.

  6. The user can apply filters to view the required payments for ‘Awaiting QC’ and ‘New Request’.
  7. The user can also search for a payment ‘Payee Name’ and ‘Invoice Number’. Refer to the screenshot below.

Graphical user interface, application, Teams Description automatically generated

Once all of the items are resolved, and nothing is left undone, the ‘Yes, Close’ button is activated and the site can be closed.