Show All views

If the room has multiple views created in a room, and if they are visible to all users, you can view all the views in a room.

To display all views:

  1. Click Manage Views from the from the Views dropdown. Refer to the screenshot below:

  2. The Views window opens, which contains the following tabs:
  • All: This displays the list of all the views in a room.
  • Created by me: This displays the list of all views that you create.
  • Shared by me: This displays the list of all the views that you share with the other users.
  • Shared with me: This displays the list of all the views that are shared with you by the other users.
  • Default Views: This displays the list of all default views.

The screenshot below shows an example of the All views:

To delete a view, select a view from the list and click the Delete button at the top right corner of the window.