Expired Documents

The Expired Documents dashlet lists documents that are either expiring or have already expired, based on the specified expiration period. This dashlet offers two views, accessible through the Expired dropdown at the top left corner: Expired and Expired. To select a view, click the Expired dropdown and choose the desired option.

Users can also manage expired documents by replacing them with updated versions. To handle an expired or expiring document, follow these steps.

  • Locate the document in the dashlet.
  • Check the box next to the document.
  • Click the ‘+Add New Version’ button at the top-right of the dashlet.
    • This opens the ‘Add New Version’ window.
  • Select the appropriate replacement option.
    • The options available are configurable by the room administrator in the Settings area.
  • If ‘Replace the Attachment’ is chosen,
    • Press the ‘Browse’ button and locate the new version of the file.
    • Set the new expiration date
    • Indicate the reason for the replacement
  • If the ‘A new version was already submitted. Remove this document from the list option is chosen. Nothing else needs to be done. The document will be removed from the list of expiring documents.
  • Press ‘Save’