Viewing Amendments and Adding Documents

To view amendments for a site/s and countries, navigate to the Sites section. From the Current View in the left, click the three yellow bars above the panel to activate the Filter By Amendment dropdown. Choose the amendment as required. Refer to the screenshot below:

Double-click a site name from the Grid Pane to open the site profile window for amendments. Like the Sites, and Country section, this window also has three tabs – Essential Documents, All Documents, and Communication Log. Refer to the screenshot below.

The procedure to add documents and communications are the same as described in section Collecting essential and Non-essential Documents.

Amendments for IRB/ECs can be viewed from the IRB/EC section. Here too, you will be able to select the required amendment from the Filter By Amendment dropdown in the Current View panel. The rest of the procedure is the same for Sites and Countries as described above.