It is essential for sites to adhere to the protocols as set by the IRB/ECs for more efficient and effective performance of clinical trial operations. Today organizations are encouraged to use central IRBs as opposed to multiple local IRBs. But the decision to use central or local IRBs or more than one IRB of any type for a clinical trial depends upon the clinical research enterprise, especially if it intends conducting multi-site trials.

Trial Interactive supports the use of both central and local IRBs. Although it is advisable to use a single central IRB for multi-site trials, sites may need to use more than one IRB/EC. Trial Interactive not only allows you add IRB/ECs as required, it also allows you to specify additional IRB/ECs. In this section we will discuss the following:

1. Adding additional IRB/ECs to data rooms

2. Viewing IRB/ECs

3. Editing IRB/EC profile