Reporting Features

Improved TI Standard and Ad hoc Reports

In TI 10.1, all TI users will now have access to OOTB standard reports using Jasper Reports solution. TI Reports will no longer support reporting solutions based on legacy Izenda Reports. Additionally, ad-hoc reports would be enabled by default for all users with access to the TI Reports module.

The following reports have been added in 10.1:

  • SSU Document History Report - This new report provides a complete history from the time the document is uploaded in TI SSU module through various approval stages.
  • Document Placeholder Report - This new report provides the complete history of any placeholders created, modified or deleted in the TI system.
  • Quality Review Report - This new report displays the history documents (passed and failed) through the Quality Review module in TI.
  • Inventory and Completeness Report - Site - The new report shall display the inventory and completeness of all documents (essential documents, non-essential documents, and placeholders) for Site category. The report shall also provide the Zone, Section and Artifact details related to each document type.
  • Inventory and Completeness Report - Country - The new report shall display the inventory and completeness of all documents (essential documents, non-essential documents, and placeholders) for Country category. The report shall also provide the Zone, Section and Artifact details related to each document type.
  • Inventory and Completeness Report - Trial - The new report shall display the inventory and completeness of all documents (essential documents, non-essential documents, and placeholders) for Trial category. The report shall also provide the Zone, Section and Artifact details related to each document type.
  • Inventory Report - Staging and Upload - The new report shall display the inventory all documents for all categories that are available in the staging and inbox folder. This report will help take inventory of documents which are available in the system but have not been coded yet.