Document Data Panel

The Document Data Panel is located on the extreme right of the dashboard and is activated only after you select a document from the grid pane. Depending on the user’s security settings and access rights and roles, this panel might be static to a user.

Note: If the user is given appropriate SSU User access rights, the data fields are editable and all changes made here must be saved.

Note: The fields marked with red asterisk (*) are required.
Note: In the screenshot above, the fields are non-editable.

Click any of the buttons displayed at the bottom of the screen to switch between the Grid pane and the Document Data Panel.

To View a Document

  1. Click on the PDF icon to open the document in the Grid pane.
  2. OR Click on the checkbox of a document in the Grid pane.
  3. The Document button at the bottom activates.
  4. Click the Document button. The document is displayed in the Grid pane. Refer to the screenshot below.
  5. Click the Pagination Arrows to move either to the Previous or Next documents.