Other Settings

  • From this section, you can add Regulatory Approvers globally for all sites in the room. This is discussed in section 'Adding Regulatory Approvers'.
  • To specify buffer time in days for site activation after IRB/EC approval, enter the number of days in the textbox next to the option.
  • Besides the above, you can also specify the contacts types and users who will receive emails onsite activation, and on completion of amendment documents (documents added to the site after its activation), and the title for site activation.

Click the Select button to select the users/contacts who should receive email notifications onsite activation. This will open the Site activation email recipients/Complete amendment email recipients window as per your selection:

  1. Select Users/Contact Types from the dropdown.
  2. Select the user to transfer them to the right panel by either double-clicking them, or by dragging and dropping them in the right pane.
  3. Once Users/Contact type is selected, they will appear greyed out in the left pane. Refer to the screenshot below.