Current View

The Current View Dropdown offers four views:

  • By Site: Select this option to list out the contacts added to the sites. Click a site to display the contacts of the particular site in the grid pane. If a Principal Investigator (PI) was deleted, and a new one added, the previous PI will appear greyed out. Similarly, if a contact is deactivated, it too will appear greyed out, but if a contact is deleted, it will not appear in the grid.
  • By Country: Select this option to list out the countries which have sites added to them. Sites for which countries are not added will appear under the Not Specified category. Click the + next to a country to display the sites belonging to the country. Click the site to list the contacts of that site in the grid pane.
  • By IRB/EC: Select this option to list out the sites by IRB/ECs. The sites for which IRB/ECs are not specified are listed under Not Specified category. Click a site to display the contacts of the particular site in the grid pane.
  • By Contact Type: Select this option to list out the various contact types added to the sites in a study start-up. Click a contact type to display the names of all the people under the contact type.