The Room Index
- The Room Index consists of folders organized into a tree-like structure starting with ‘Index’ as the root folder.
- The Index consists of parent and child folders and can either be cloned during room creation or created from scratch.
- No two index structures are necessarily identical and each Trial Interactive room can have a completely customized index structure.
- Documents emailed to a room’s inbox address are stored in each user’s Inbox folder unless the room is configured otherwise.
- All documents directly uploaded to the room without any metadata appear in each user’s upload folder.
- Documents that are uploaded with metadata appear in the default folder location, usually the Staging folder.
- Documents can be uploaded directly to other index folders if the room is configured to allow it.
- If a folder contains subfolders, you can expand it by clicking the arrow next to the folder or you can double-click the folder to show the child folders.
- Similarly, you can collapse an Index folder by clicking the arrow next to an expanded folder.
- To view any documents in a folder, simply click on the folder and any documents stored there will display in the documents grid at the center of the screen.
- Selecting a document from the documents grid will cause the document’s metadata to load in the Metadata Pane on the right side of the screen.
- Besides the Metadata tab, the Metadata Pane also may contain the Workflow, Queries, Versions, History, and eSignature tabs as appropriate.
Figure 5: Document Module View