Reviewing a Document

Follow these steps to review a document in an ongoing audit:

  1. Select an audit in which to work.
  2. Drill down in the index to locate a document in need of review.
  3. Select the document from the grid.
  4. Open and review the document per internal standards.
  5. In the metadata panel, choose the Audit tab.
  6. Assign a status to the document.
    1. The available statuses may vary from audit to audit.
    2. If you have assigned the document a status indicating that the document failed, it is highly recommended that you add comments in the box below in order to explain to the Audit responder why the document failed the audit.
  7. The audit fields are customizable. Fill in values for any other required fields. See the screenshot below:

  8. Press ‘Save’ or ‘Save & Next’

Note: Auditors can also send audit queries. For more information on this, please see the chapter on Queries.