TI Configurations FAQ

Question: What are the possible configuration decisions each new customer needs to make for a planned installation of Trial Interactive?

Answer: The following TI configurations are available:

Module/ Product Name Description Standard ? Extra Cost? Available on Multi-Tenant? Installation Considerations
AdobeSign Separate 3rd Party License Yes
Custom Reports LOE Hours, estimated by report Yes
DocuSign Separate 3rd Party License Yes
IRB Integration LOE Hours, estimated by separate RS and SOW Yes
myTI Separate Module Pricing by Study/Month Yes
OCR Separate OEM License Yes
OnlyOffice Separate OEM License Yes
PleaseReview Separate 3rd Party License No
Single Sign On (SAML) Standard No
Study Start Up Separate Module Pricing by Study/Month Yes
TI Collaborate (Shared Workspace) Separate Module Pricing by Study/Month Yes
TI eTMF Standard Yes
Validation Package Separate Module Pricing, flat fee with 15 days consulting Yes