My Profile

By clicking on the ‘My Profile’ option, you can manage your profile. Please note that these settings are user-specific and are not room-specific. Any changes made in this area impact the overall user account and are not contained in any single TI room.

To access My Profile:

  1. Click the Username dropdown located at the top right corner
  2. From the pop-up that appears, click ’My Profile.’
  3. You will be taken to your profile settings page.

The My Profile area is divided into the following two sections:

  • My Profile Settings (Main)
  • My Profile Notifications

Navigate to the vertical menu at the left to choose which area to edit.

My Profile-Main Section

From the My Profile page, click the Main section from the left panel as indicated by the gearwheels. Refer to the screenshot below:

In this menu, you will find the following User Profile Dashlets.

  • General Information
  • Password Recovery – Secret Questions
  • User Avatar
  • Change Password
  • Site Filtering Options
  • Default Context Configuration