Potential Sites Module and Settings

There can be cases where multiple sites are found during IRB Integration, or a site could not be identified, or sites are incorrectly imported.

Under the circumstances, the system creates a list of Potential Investigative Sites and notifies appropriate groups about the potential sites.
  1. To configure the Potential sites email recipients navigate to Settings->Integrations->IRB Integrations. Refer to the screenshot below:

  2. Click Select next to the Potential sites email recipient and select the email recipients as instructed. The email template for the emails to be received by potential sites email recipients can be set up from the Email Templates in the room Settings -> Email section. A screenshot of the system provided email template is shown below:

  3. With Trial Interactive, you can manage potential investigative sites from the Potential Sites module if IRB Integration is enabled for you.
  4. The module is accessible by clicking the Potential Sites icon from the toggling menu in the eTMF module. Refer to the screenshot below showing the eTMF/Potential Sites module.
Note: As an Administrator, you can create sites from potential sites or delete the ones that cannot be converted into sites.