Creating Domain Library Milestone Template

To create a Domain Library Milestone Template, follow the steps below. Refer to the sequence in the screenshot.

  1. From the left-hand navigation links, click on the Milestone Templates which opens the Milestone Templates window.
  2. Click the +Create button at the top-left of the screen.
  3. On the Create Milestone template, enter the following metadata details.

    Note: Fields highlighted with a red asterisk mark (*) require a mandatory update.

    1. Level*: Specify whether the milestone is to be created at a Study, Site, or Country level by selecting the option from the dropdown.
    2. Milestone Name*: Enter a name for the milestone template.
    3. Classification: Select the classification criteria from the available dropdown options.
    4. Description: Enter a suitable description for the template
    5. Set Parent Milestone Template: Turn on the Set Parent Milestone Template toggle to add a parent template for the current template. Select a template from the available dropdown options.
    6. Countries: The Countries field is only visible if the template is created at the Site or Country level. Select the countries from the available dropdown options.
  4. Click on Create once all the necessary details are entered in the respective fields.

    Figure: Creating Domain Library Milestone Template
  5. The newly created template is visible on the Milestone Templates screen.

Figure: Newly created milestone template

Note: If any of the mandatory fields are missing and the user clicks on the Create button an error will appear prompting the user to review the necessary fields.

Figure: Mandatory fields error