The site's Current View

Click on the Country name to view the Country Details page. This page displays a progress bar for - the Documents and the Agency Submission. Below the progress bar, the page displays the tabs/links for Agency Submission, Documents, Amendments, Sites, IRB/EC, Security, and Communication log. Refer to the screenshot below.

Edit History

The user can view the history of all the edits performed by a user by clicking this button. Click the Edit History button to open the Status History popup window. The details are displayed in a table format. Click the Close button after viewing the details. Refer to the screenshot below.

Note: The user can only view the details of the history and cannot make any changes.

Change Status

The user can change the status of a country by following the steps below:

  1. Click the Change Status button displayed on the Country Details page. This opens the Change Status popup window.
  2. Select the appropriate status from the dropdown menu of the Status field.
  3. Select the Status Date by clicking the Calendar icon. Mention comments if required in the box below.
  4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the popup window.

Status History

A Status History button is displayed below the Change Status button. Click the button to view the name of the user who made the changes on the Country Details page.

Note: The user can only view the history and cannot edit any information in the table displayed.