How to Edit/Modify the Department

Steps to Edit the Department

  1. In User Management, click the Department icon in the left pane. This will open the Department screen.
  2. From the list of departments, select the checkbox next to the department you want to edit (e.g., the "Testing" department in the screenshot).
  3. Click the Edit button at the top of the screen.

  4. In the Edit Department window, you can modify both Members and Document Types for the selected department.
    • To manage members, click the Members tab. You can add or remove users by clicking the Add or Remove buttons. For adding members, a modal will display where you can search and select users. Once done, they will appear in the Members list.

    • To manage document types, click the Document Types tab. You can add or remove document types by clicking the Add or Remove buttons. For adding document types, a modal will display where you can search and select the document type needed.

  5. After making the necessary changes, click Save to apply the updates to the department.