eSignature FAQs

Following are some eSignature FAQs:

1. Does TP provide licenses for other eSignature options?


No. If a Client chooses to use an eSignature vendor instead of TI Sign, the Client is responsible for getting their own licenses. Once acquired, the Client then provides that information to TP, and TP would be able to integrate it in to TI for use.

2. What are the most convenient options currently used for eSignature in TI?


TI Sign


Adobe Sign

3. Are there any functions or features of DocuSign or Adobe Sign that are not necessarily duplicated in TI Sign?


DocuSign and Adobe Sign are more readily useable for obtaining signatures from outside individuals, like Investigators who will not have access to the related room in TI.

4. What are the pros/cons of TI Sign?



- TI Sign is free for customers.

- TI Sign is already built into the system.

- TI Sign is an electronic signature in a closed system.


- All personnel who need to sign must be registered TI users in the room being used.

- The signed documents must stay in the system for the signature to be valid.

5. Does Trial Interactive support the verification of Adobe Sign or DocuSign signatures?


Both Adobe Sign and DocuSign are commonly accepted digital signatures. This means that they are fungible between systems, and can be verified outside of the system in which they were signed. Both products handle this signature verification slightly differently. For both Adobe Sign and DocuSign, one must use either native Chrome PDF viewer or TI viewer and download these PDF types, and then open them directly in the Adobe Reader to view the digital signature verification. For DocuSign only, one can also upload the DocuSign Certification of Completion and verify it using the DocuSign website: