Confidentiality Agreement Settings

Another layer of security that an Administrator can add to a room is a Confidentiality Agreement.

  • Once enabled, you can choose whether to have the agreement appear only on a user’s initial visit to the room, or have the agreement appear each time users log in.
  • You also have the option of designating individual users or groups of users whose email addresses share a domain name who would be exempt from clicking the agreement.

Follow these steps to enable the Confidentiality Agreement:

  1. Tick the checkbox to enable/disable the Confidentiality Agreement on this room. Refer to the screenshot below:

  2. If enabled, select whether to have the agreement show only on the first time a user visits the room or every time a user visits the room.
  3. To type in the text of the Confidentiality Agreement, click Add. A pop-up window appears. Refer to the screenshot below:

  4. Type in the Name of the agreement.
  5. Click Create.