Steps to create a contact

  1. Click on the +Add button on the top menu bar from the Contacts screen.

    Figure: Create a new contact
  2. On the Create Contact window, fill up the following mandatory information into the respective fields to create a contact. Certain fields are optional but are recommended to be filled.

    Note: Fields highlighted with a red asterisk (*) mark require a mandatory update.

    1. Prefix: Enter the prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Dr.) if applicable.
    2. First Name*: Enter the first name of the contact. E.g., Miguel
    3. Middle Name: Enter the middle name if applicable.
    4. Last Name *: Enter the last name of the contact. E,g., Lopez
    5. Suffix: Enter the suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III) if applicable.
    6. Job Title: Enter the job title of the contact if applicable.
    7. Email Address: Enter the email address of the contact. Entry of an email address is recommended for better communication.
    8. Status*: Select the status of the contact from the dropdown menu. A tooltip showing the status meaning is visible for each status.
      1. New
      2. Active
      3. Approved
      4. Do not use
      5. Inactive
      6. No longer needed
      7. Pending Approval

    9. Phone Numbers: Click on the +Add button to include phone numbers for the contact.
    10. Include Address: Toggle the switch to include the address for the contact. Enter the address details if the switch is turned on.

      Figure: Add contact details
  3. Once all the required details are entered and verified, the user can perform the following actions.
    • Clicking on the Create button saves the contact details.
    • Clicking on the Create and Add Another button saves the contact but enables the user to add another contact there itself since the Create Contact screen will remain intact.
    • Clicking on the Cancel button will cease the contact creation process.
  1. Once the contact is successfully created, it will appear on the Contacts screen.

Figure: New Contact