Translation and Language FAQ

Question: What languages does Trial Interactive support?

Answer: Trial Interactive currently supports a localized interface in English, Russian, French, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish, Korean, Japanese, Spanish (America), Spanish, German, and Hebrew.

Question: What languages will be added in the future?

Answer: To be determined.

Question: What languages are supported for OCR and Machine Translation?

Answer: Please see table below.

Languages Present in MT? Present inOCR? 3rd Party?
Languages Present in MT? Present inOCR? 3rd Party?
Abkhaz No Yes
Adyghe No Yes
Afrikaans Yes Yes
Agul No Yes
Albanian No Yes
Altaic No Yes
Arabic Yes Yes
ArmenianEastern No Yes
ArmenianGrabar No Yes
ArmenianWestern No Yes
Awar No Yes
Aymara No Yes
AzeriCyrillic No Yes
AzeriLatin No Yes
Bashkir No Yes
Basque No Yes
Belarusian No Yes
Bemba No Yes
Blackfoot No Yes
Breton No Yes
Bugotu No Yes
Bulgarian Yes Yes
Buryat No Yes
Catalan No Yes
Chamorro No Yes
Chechen No Yes
Chichewa No No
ChinesePRC No No
ChineseTaiwan No No
Chukcha No Yes
Chuvash No Yes
Corsican No Yes
CrimeanTatar No Yes
Croatian No Yes
Crow No Yes
Czech Yes Yes
Danish Yes Yes
Dargwa No Yes
Dholuo No No
Dungan No Yes
Dutch Yes Yes
DutchBelgian No Yes
English Yes Yes
EskimoCyrillic No Yes
EskimoLatin No Yes
Esperanto No Yes
Estonian No Yes
Even No Yes
Evenki No Yes
Faeroese No Yes
Farsi No No
Fijian No Yes
Finnish Yes Yes
French Yes Yes
Frisian No Yes
Friulian No Yes
GaelicScottish No Yes
Gagauz No Yes
Galician No Yes
Ganda No Yes
German Yes Yes
GermanNewSpelling No Yes
GermanLuxembourg No Yes
Greek Yes Yes
Guarani No Yes
Hani No Yes
Hausa Yes Yes
Hawaiian No Yes
Hebrew Yes Yes
Hindi Yes No
Hungarian Yes Yes
Icelandic No Yes
Ido No Yes
Indonesian No Yes
Ingush No Yes
Interlingua No Yes
Irish No Yes
Italian Yes Yes
Japanese Yes Yes
Kabardian No Yes
Kalmyk No Yes
KarachayBalkar No Yes
Karakalpak No Yes
Kasub No Yes
Kawa No Yes
Kazakh No Yes
Khakas No Yes
Khanty No Yes
Kikuyu No Yes
Kirgiz No Yes
Kongo No Yes
Korean Yes Yes
Koryak No Yes
Kpelle No Yes
Kumyk No Yes
Kurdish No Yes
Lak No Yes
Lappish No Yes
Latin No Yes
Latvian No Yes
LatvianGothic No Yes
Lezgin No Yes
Lithuanian No Yes
Luba No Yes
Luganda No No
Macedonian No Yes
Malagasy No Yes
Malay No Yes
Malinke No Yes
Maltese No Yes
Mansi No Yes
Maori No Yes
Mari No Yes
Maya No Yes
Miao No Yes
Minankabaw No Yes
Mohawk No Yes
Moldavian No Yes
Mongol No Yes
Mordvin No Yes
Nahuatl No Yes
Nenets No Yes
Nivkh No Yes
Nogay No Yes
Norwegian Yes Yes
NorwegianBokmal No Yes
NorwegianNynorsk No Yes
Nyanja No Yes
Occidental No Yes
Ojibway No Yes
OldEnglish No Yes
OldFrench No Yes
OldGerman No Yes
OldItalian No Yes
OldSpanish No Yes
Ossetic No Yes
Papiamento No Yes
Pashto No No
PidginEnglish No Yes
Portuguese No No
Polish Yes Yes
PortugueseBrazilian No Yes
PortugueseStandard No Yes
Provencal No Yes
Quechua No Yes
RhaetoRomanic No Yes
Romanian Yes Yes
Romany No Yes
Ruanda No Yes
Rundi No Yes
RussianOldSpelling No Yes
Russian Yes Yes
Samoan No Yes
Selkup No Yes
SerbianCyrillic No No
SerbianLatin No No
Setswana No No
Shona Yes* Yes Microsoft, Amazon, Google
Sioux No Yes
Siswati No No
Slovak No Yes
Slovenian No Yes
Somali Yes Yes
Sorbian No Yes
Sotho No Yes
Spanish Yes Yes
Sunda No Yes
Swahili Yes* Yes Microsoft, Amazon, Google
Swazi No Yes
Swedish Yes Yes
Tabassaran No Yes
Tagalog No Yes
Tahitian No Yes
Tajik No Yes
Tatar No Yes
Thai Yes Yes
Tinpo No Yes
Tongan No Yes
Tswana No Yes
Tun No Yes
Turkish Yes Yes
Turkmen No Yes
Tuvin No Yes
Udmurt No Yes
UighurCyrillic No Yes
UighurLatin No Yes
Ukrainian Yes Yes
Urdu No No
UzbekCyrillic No Yes
UzbekLatin No Yes
Vietnamese Yes Yes
Visayan No Yes
Welsh No Yes
Wolof No Yes
Xhosa Yes* Yes Microsoft, Amazon, Google
Yakut No Yes
Yiddish No Yes
Zapotec No Yes
Zulu Yes* Yes Microsoft, Amazon, Google
Basic No Yes
C++ No Yes
Cobol No Yes
Fortran No Yes
Java No Yes
Pascal No Yes
Chemistry No Yes
E13B No Yes