Integration FAQ

Question: Does Trial Interactive have an Application Programmer's Interface (API)?

Answer: Yes. TI has an API, currently used actively in production by several customers, that enables a close integration with a CTMS. Investigators, Sites, Contacts, Milestones, and Documents may all be passed to and from Trial Interactive.

Through integrations via the TI Integration Gateway, the Trial Interactive system can publish and receive data from other systems through a standard REST-based API. This allows Trial Interactive to receive Investigators, Sites, Study-Sites, Contacts, Milestones, Events, and Documents to and from other clinical systems such as IRB/EC, CTMS, and EDC. Trial Interactive also supports interoperability through a CMIS-compliant REST API, which is a standard for document interoperability that is supported by Documentum, OpenText, Alfresco, and many other vendors. Trial Interactive supports single sign on, authentication, and authorization integrations through a SAML interface, supporting integration partners such as Active Directory and Okta. Finally, the Trial Interactive has available an optional CMS Connector, which is a pub-sub integration component that can facilitate interoperability with both CMIS-compliant and non-standard REST API interfaces.

Question: What is the plan for Trial Interactive interoperability with other Document Management or TMF solutions?

Answer: Trial Interactive supports interoperability through CMIS, a standard format that is supported by Documentum, OpenText, Alfresco, and other vendors. Customers have also asked for a Veeva Connector.

Question: How is SSO supported by Trial Interactive?

Answer: SSO is supported through SAML 2.0, currently supported on all Dedicated client instances. A few points:

  • SSO is not supported on TI eTMF Multi-Tenant until TI v10.x
  • TI supports SAML 2.0 (current version of underlying protocol used to negotiate an SSO sessions between two endpoints) for dedicated clients. Will be extended to MT clients in TI v10.x
  • Trial Interactive is listed as part of the Okta Integration Network ()
  • Intention is to have the Okta Integration Network version of the TI application used only by Multi-Tenant clients.
  • Dedicated clients will be asked to create an “Internal” Okta TI Application within their Okta account (see Option2xxxx.PPT attached). Allows client to have more control of the SSO integration and provides a means for future client-specific customizations as needed. Also, this approach eliminates a single point of failure for our Okta integrations.
  • Should a dedicated client insist on implementing the Okta Certified Network version of the TI application, we can support that as well. But, should push for option ‘b’ above.
  • We do not yet support policy, group or room assignments via SSO at this time (i.e. when account is created in TI via SSO, we can’t automatically, via SSO messaging, assign the user a role, group or even a study room. That all has to be done manually until we design and build the additional functionality.

Question: What integrations are supported?

Answer: See below.