Importing Sites
The metadata and contact information for an investigative site can be imported by using the Import icon located on the top ribbon bar. It runs the metadata import wizard where the user can upload a .xlsx spreadsheet. There is also a link to download the sample worksheet template.
- Upload the .xlsx file containing data of sites and contacts by
clicking the search icon. It is also possible to import just
contacts so they will be mapped to existing investigative sites.
The wizard offers a link to the sample worksheet so the user can
download it and fill it with actual data. Click Next. Refer to the
screenshot below:
- Setup the mapping between metadata fields and uploaded file columns for Investigative Sites.
- Setup the Contacts related metadata. Click Next.
- Review the entries made and, when ready, click Next to confirm.
- This will begin the actual import process. Upon completion, the user will get a short report on any issues that occurred during import.
- It is also possible to download the full report as a text file. The import operation can be aborted at any time.