Setting Up Your Individual Dashboard

Unless otherwise restricted by room administrators, each user can control the appearance of their own dashboard.

Follow the steps below to customize your dashboard:

  1. Click the ‘Edit Dashboard’ button at the top-right of the dashboard.
    • This will open the ‘Set up your Dashboard’ window

  2. Check the box next to each dashlet which should be displayed on your dashboard.
    • You can also check the entire category to select all related dashlets.
  3. Once you know what dashlets you use most frequently, you may want to press the ‘+Add’ button to create a custom dashlet category.
    • If you choose to do this, you can click on the name of a dashlet and drag it from its home category into your custom category. Once done, the dashlet will be displayed on the dashboard in your custom category.
  4. If you would like to change the number of columns showing on the dashboard, click on the ‘Set Up Layout’ tab and choose the desired number of columns.
  5. Press ‘Save’ when done.
  6. Each category of dashlet can be adjusted by doing the following:
    1. Press the Pencil icon at the right side of the dashlet category to rename the category.
    2. Click on the lower-right corner of the category to alter the height of the category window.
    3. Click on the category header to drag the window to a new position on the dashboard.