Heatmaps; Description

Heat Map Metric Title

Calculation Description

Under Clarification Documents

# of Documents that have clarification status/ Total number of documents reviewed in the period

Published Documents

# of documents published in the period from the docs submitted in the period / Total number of documents reviewed in the period

Rejected Documents

# of documents rejected in a period / Total number of documents reviewed in the period

Deleted Documents

A number of documents deleted from those that were submitted in the period / number of documents submitted in the period.

Resolved Queries

# of queries resolved in the period/(Open queries at the end of the report period +Resolved Queries for the period)

Pending Queries

# of queries in ‘Pending’ status in the period/(Open queries at the end of the report period +Resolved Queries for the period)

In-Progress Queries

# of queries in ‘In Progress’ status in the period/(Open queries at the end of the reporting period +Resolved Queries for the period)

Published w/in Target

# of documents published in the month in <= n days /

Total number of documents published in that month

Published Outside Target

No. of documents published breaching Published Goal

Period (PGP)/ Total Documents Published

Published Outside Target (Queries)

# of documents breaching Published Goal Period(PGP) and have query attached to them/# of documents that did not meet PGP goal

All Outside Target

% Documents Published and In-Progress breaching Published Goal Period (PGP)

Excludes documents in clarification status and rejected

Documents Passed in Quality Review Number of documents passing the audit/ (Number of documents passed in Audit + Not passed in the audit for the period)