Creating Domain Library Activity Template

To create a Domain Library Activity Template, follow the steps below.

  1. On the Activity Plan Templates screen, click on +Create Template.

    Figure: Create Domain Library Activity Template
  2. On the General Information screen, fill in the following details
    1. Activity Plan Name*: Enter a name for the Activity Plan
    2. Level*: Select whether the template is to be created at the Study, Country, or Site level.
    3. Classification: Select the classification criterion from the available dropdown options.
    4. Description: Enter a suitable description for the Activity plan
    5. Status: By default, the template will be in Draft status.
    6. Select Parent Plan: Switch the toggle and select a Parent Plan* from the available dropdown options.

      Note: Fields highlighted with a red asterisk (*) mark require a mandatory update.

  3. Click on Create, and Next Add Activities button once all the details are added.

    Figure: Domain Library Activity Template-General Information
  4. On the Associated Activities screen, perform the following to complete creating the Domain Library Activity Template.

    Figure: Domain Library Activity Template-Associated Activities
    1. Search Library/Quick Select: Click on the search box and enter the library to add it to the template. Once the library is selected it gets added to the template.

      Figure: Search Library and Quick Select
    2. Browse Activities Library: Click on the Browse Activities Library button to get a list of all library types. Click on the required library’s checkbox to select and click on the Add Activities button.

      Figure: Browse Activities Library
    3. Create Activity: Click on +Create to create a new activity and enter the mandatory details into their respective fields.

      Figure: Create New Activity
    4. Remove Activity: Click on the checkbox of activity to select and click the Remove Activity button to discard it from the template.

      Figure: Remove Activities
  5. Once all the details are entered click on Save Activities.