Associating Activity Plan Templates to a Study

To associate an Activity Plan Template to a Study, follow the steps below.

  1. From the left-hand navigation links, click on Studies.
  2. Select a study by clicking on the study’s name.

    Figure: Selecting a Study
  3. On that Study’s screen, navigate to the left-hand navigation links and select Activity Plans.

    Figure: Select Activity Plans
  4. On the Activity Plans Template screen, click on the Templates tab.
  5. Click on +Add > +Associate buttons.

    Figure: Select the Templates tab and access the Add and Associate buttons

    Note: To Create a new activity plan for the study click on +Add > +Create and follow the steps detailed in Creating Domain Library Activity Template section.

  6. On the Associate Activity Plan Template to Study, select activity plans by clicking on their respective checkbox.
  7. Click on Associate once the required activity plans are selected.

Figure: Associate Activity Plan Template to Study Screen