Propagating visits data from CTMS to Trial Interactive eTMF and Collaborate Rooms

Events such as site visits often generate a need to track associated documentation. In Trial Interactive v10.5, we introduce an efficient and compliant approach for sharing status information and triggering Events and their related document requirements between CTMS and eTMF.

This feature improvement adds these abilities:

  • Automated communication between the eTMF and CTMS regarding events and related document requirements, helping to ensure eTMF health and accuracy. The status of Studies, Countries, Sites, and Visits are shared across all platform systems, and Events may now be triggered in the eTMF when a status changes.
  • Once an event is triggered, essential event information, such as Study ID/Protocol Number or Room ID, Room Offering, Event Name, Event Category, Site ID, Site Number, Country Code, Event Status, and Event Status Date, will be set automatically without any user intervention required. Any placeholders required by the Event will immediately be available for assignment.

Our users often have multiple TI rooms dedicated to the same study and do not yet have the CTMS module at their disposal for easy tracking and sharing of information. TI has now improved our ability to share site profile data directly from CTMS to multiple study-related rooms and data from room to room.

This improved system synchronization of site profile data and contacts between CTMS and rooms associated with a study makes a cohesive user experience regardless of allowing the user to utilize the CTMS with an eTMF or eTMF-only with multiple rooms associated with a study.