Improvements- Queries Report

Adding Query Response to the Queries Report

Previously, the query report showed if a response was received and the respondent's details but not the actual response. With this improvement, the report also displays the actual response in the query history.

Queries Re-assigned are shown on the Queries Report.

When queries are re-assigned because the document submitter is no longer available, it is extremely helpful that the person to whom the queries are re-assigned is also shown on the query reports. This helps with follow-up if the queries remain outstanding.

Keeping this use case in account with v10.5, the Queries report has a new column to display the details of the new assignee. In cases of multiple reassignments, the field will display the latest reassignment.

Adding Issues to the Queries Report

The Queries Report now has a new column to display any issues about the query to help the TMF manager utilize this report more effectively.

Allow Query Managers to run the Queries Report.

Previously, only Admins or Editors/Managers with the Document Manager action could run query reports. With v10.5, Query managers can run query reports to quickly and easily get an overview of all queries within a study room.