Viewing a Query

To view a query, follow the steps as below:

  1. In the Queries module, click Choose View next to the Index View.
  2. The View Documents By popup appears.
  3. Select the By Sender view and click Select at the bottom of the page.
  4. The folders with the name of reviewers appear.
  5. Click the required folder. The following folders are available for the query:
    1. Pending: This folder contains all the queries sent and are awaiting the response.
    2. In Progress: This folder contains all the queries which are responded.
    3. Resolved: This folder contains all the queries which are resolved.
  6. Select the required document from the grid and click Query tab from the metadata panel.
  7. The queries display in the Queries panel.
  8. Click the query to view the full query history.
  9. The query displays the following:
    1. The email body of the query that was initiated.
    2. The responses and attachments to the query displayed by green sections. Refer to the screenshot below:

    3. Expand the required section to view the details for the sections.